2019/05/04 08:58:34



医療事故で一生目や口が閉じられなくなった女性 寝るときは?







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Truthful Thursday!! "I am building an empire." That's what I told Brandon a few weeks ago. This Instagram account (and facebook account) is my platform and I am working to build an empire. I want to be honest about that with you all. You may be wondering what I mean. I'm just a girl who works out in her bedroom with her cat in her pjs. You are right about that and I don't plan on changing anytime soon. I want this account to be more than that though. I have really noticed how much the disability community is left out of the fitness community and I'm not here for it. As I have seen in the past 4 months of having this account, there is TREMENDOUS & INCREDIBLE community within the fitness community. I have never been so championed and encouraged by a tribe of people than ya'll on here. I am so grateful. But, as I look at fitness accounts and as brands reach out to me with fitness apparel lines or health food lines you know what I don't see…a single person with a disability or medical condition. You better believe I'm SUPER quick to call brands out on it too. I say, why isn't there anyone that looks like me on your website? Why would I want to buy your leggings if everyone on your website is blonde and size 0? I'm neither of those things. But, I am also quick to respond to them to tell them if they wanted to add some diversity and inclusivity to their product line I'd be happy to be their girl. Not because I think I'm a model or anything special at all. I'm for SURE not. But I do know that brands like Aerie and Tommy Hilfiger are doing things right with their inclusive line of clothing and underwear. So, I'm happy to pimp myself out to brands (ones that I believe in and can get down with of course, not any and everyone!) in the name of bringing the fitness world into 2019 and making things more accessible. Representation matters. Don't even get me started on the actual ACCESSIBILITY of gyms and fitness culture in general. That'll be for another day. So, I'm here to build an empire. I'm here to be the face (or someone else's face I'm here to champion it all) of accessible fitness. If you're in this space I'd love to connect with you!!

Hannah Setzerさん(@feedingtube.fitness)がシェアした投稿 –



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"ブルーボトルコーヒー1号店が韓国ソウルにオープン コンセントやWi-Fiが無く批判される
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